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"Prosit tassew... timlewna bil-kuraġġ!" David Agius-Muscat
Dwar 'Fonzu l-Fenek'


"Well done! I really like it! Needless to say, kids will simply love it! Keep up the good work.... Thanks on behalf of us ALL, Elizabeth"
Elizabeth Mallia


"Loved this song! so did the children at school Thanks."
Marthese Briffa

Dwar 'Lola in-Nannakola'

"B'kanzunetti bħal din, bi kliem semplici u ħafif it-tfal jieħdu gost jitgħallmu u jwessgħu l-għarfien (knowledge) tagħhom. Prosit lil kull min ikollu sehem f'dawn il-kanzunetti u lil kull min jinkuraġġihom."

Carmen Cacopardo Mariani

Dwar 'Ħaxix u Frott'


"My sister sang this at the school essembly. I like this song...   Yeah, they danced and sang and I really enjoyed it !! :D "
Rebecah Buttigieg

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